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Frequently Asked Question !

bijoux fantaisie

This page intends to answers to your main questions about montage themes and about this website. nevertheless, doesn't hesitate to ask me directly your question using the email button on top left corner of this page !

Creating or modifying a montage theme

    Q: is it possible to developp my own montage themes ?
    Q: the montage themes of this site are they compatible with Avid Studio ?
    Q: Is their any editing tools such as Easy HFX creator to create montage themes ?

about montage themes download

    Q: Why sould I register to download these free montage themes ?
    Q: I didn't receive the registration confirmation email. What should I do ?
    Q: I have lost my Password, Is there a way to recover it ?
    Q: What are the .AXT files ?
    Q: I have subscribed but I get an error message when I want to download, why ?
    Q: How to know if a specific series is compatible with the Pinnacle or Avid Studio version I use ?
    Q: After installation, I cannot see montage theme in Avid Studio

How to use efficiently montage themes

    Q: How to use a "triple track" montage theme ?
    Q: How to use Vertically positionned drop zone ?
    Q: How can I insert my own backgrounds in these montage themes ?
    Q: where are installed 20cents' motion titles ?
    Q: Can I modify a montage theme currently used into my project ?
    Q: How to manage more than 3 sound tracks in a montage theme

Cancel a montage thème

    Q: How erasing a montage theme series
    Q: How erasing a montage theme

bijoux fantaisie

Creating or modifying a montage theme

is it possible to developp my own montage themes ?

of course !

Pinnacle has introduced montage themes functionnalities since Studio 12 version. Montage themes are computer scripts that it is possible to edit by simply using a text editor like NotePad. However, Pinnacle has not taken the care to document the corresponding programming language, and I had to did it myself. You can find it here.

This site contains also many tutorials describing step by step how to build a montage theme from a template, or even from an existing theme.

the montage themes of this site are they compatible with Avid Studio ?

Avid Studio structure is quite different from that of Studio 12 or even Studio 15. The montage theme format has been slightly modified, but most of my montage themes have been adapted to work also into Avid Studio.

nevertheless, some series aren't compatible, see logo beside download button to get compatibility status !

Is their any editing tools such as Easy HFX creator to create montage themes ?

Unfortunately not!
It seems certain that Pinnacle has already created a tool for this purpose, as we can see during a thorough inspection of the generated source code of montage themes delivered with Studio, or in its extension packs. However, to my knowledge, this tool is not available. May be for a next version of Avid Studio?

In the meantime, those who are interested in can learn programming by reading my tutorials and referring to the programming language.

about montage themes download

Why sould I register to download these free montage themes ?

The registration procedure is done to ensure acceptance of the licensing conditions of the free montage themes of this site.

All the montage themes proposed on this web site may be download and use for FREE for private usage only.
For any commercial or profit activities please contact us. In addition, proposing theses creations for download from any other site or through any other means is strictly forbideen.

I didn't receive the registration confirmation email. What should I do ?

Firstly, check carefully to have correctly seized your email without any mistakes. It often happens to me to get error message after email delivery attempt feedback due to address which does not exist...

But the most common cause is the anti span protection provided by your email service provider which abusively considers my email as SPAM.
to avoid this, it is better to connect to the WebMail platform of your provider and set my email address into your address book. Thus, the filter will be disabled for my emails.
Also remember to look in the unwanted mail folder, it is likely that my email is there. Take advantage to always consider my emails as valid messages, otherwise you may not be informed of the new updates of the site.

I have lost my Password, Is there a way to recover it ?

No !

For security reasons, passwords are not stored on the server. Only the result of encryption of your password using a secret key is stored.

I strongly recommand therefore to carefully store the registration email that you have received to remember your connection details if needed.

What are the .AXT files ?

.AXT files contains version of montage themes for AVID studio.
For my montage themes, they are generated from a slightly different version on .IXL files used for Pinnacle Studio version to ensure maximum compatibilitie.

I have subscribed but I get an error message when I want to download, why ?

Once registered, it is mandatory to compose your pseudo/password in the the area located in the header of the page.
Your details will be stored on your PC, thus avoiding to re-compose them for further connections.
They are also checked before each download. It is the reason why you must accept cookies from this site, and set your browser in accordance.

How to know if a specific series is compatible with the Pinnacle or Avid Studio version I use ?

In the sections that offer to download series, (where you find the yellow and green download buttons), there are also 3 logos symbolizing Studio 12, Studio 14, Avid Studio. If they are crossed out with a Red Cross, this means that this series is not compatible with the associated version. If it is a dotted orange cross, this means that the series works, but with some restriction or difference from what is presented on the site, some themes may also be missing in this version.
Please notice that Pinnacle Studio 15 compatibility is identical with Pinnacle Studio 14

After installation, I cannot see montage theme in Avid Studio

The installation of themes in Avid Studio is sometimes ineffective. Although most often everything goes normally, sometimes, even with a properly conducted installation Avid not allows to view the new series. What to do?

If you have installed the themes with autoinstall package(yellow button), delete the directory containing the series (in the IMG-Templates folder), and then perform an installation using the .zip version (refer to the installation tutorial). From experience, this seems to correct some unexpected behaviour of Avid Studio library

How to use efficiently montage themes

How to use a "triple track" montage theme ?

The "triple tracks" montage themes are a specialty of this site (I can say an exclusivity, because no other exists anywhere else to my knowledge).
These themes are created to overcome some limitations imposed by Pinnacle Studio, the most obvious being the maximum of 6 possible drop zones for a single theme.
For example, some themes of this site handling up to 18 different scenes, and to do so, use 6 drop zones on each of the 3 tracks.

To obtain the desired effect, you may first put the 3 themes each on one of the 3 video tracks of Studio (the main track, overlay track, and title track, thumbnail always mention on which track a sub theme should be placed. Then you should ensure to align them with accuracy, otherwise the movements will be out of sync and the obtained result will be unpredictable!

How to use Vertically positionned drop zone ?

In some cases, it is interesting to use a drop zone in a vertical format. You can easily recognize them due to their drop zone number turned of 90°!
you can find for example many of these themes in the series 20cents Vertical

These arrangements are intended to manage photographs taken in Portrait mode. Unfortunatly, quite often, cameras are too intelligent, and record the fact that the photo has been taken in portrait mode, and then Studio naturally imposed a rotation which generate black bands on each sides...

To get the wanted effect, the simplest is to use Windows Explorer, and go into folder where are stored your photos, then, on each photo, right click and select "rotate right" or "rotate counterclockwise" in such way to have top of the Photo positionned on the right.

How can I insert my own backgrounds in these montage themes ?

Many of my montage themes are available with drop-down menus to select background images or videos. If you don't like these images, and if you want to create your own background, the simplest is then to select "null" value for these parameters, and then place the montage theme on the overlay track, and finally put your background on main track.

where are installed 20cents' motion titles ?

Motion titles are not an other montage themes series. You will not find them into corresponding menu!
It is nor a library of motion titles ready to use, but rather complementary effects to create your own motion titles.
Pinnacle Studio cannot manage several librairies of motion titles effects (entrance, emphasis, exit), so I chose to place my additionnal effects into Pinnacle librairies, after Pinnacle's effects .

Can I modify a montage theme currently used into my project ?

It's better to avoid...
Indeed, the project refers to the source file for the montage theme. By modifying it, your project will detect an inconsistency and will not find any longer the theme used during its construction.
In such a case, you will not have other solution than removing the theme from your project, and to insert the new version.

How to manage more than 3 sound tracks in a montage theme

One of you reported me the fact that in some of my montage themes, it was not possible to dispose of all sound tracks corresponding to the drop zones.
After investigation, it appeared that the montage themes can only manage up as 3 tracks (on Pinnacle Studio), namely the 2 first one, and the last (among those for which sound track is active).

To dispose of all the sound tracks, the trick is to duplicate the theme by a copy paste (once all drop zones filled), and put the copy on the overlay track just below the original theme on the main track. On the original theme, you will enable the soundtracks of drop zones 1,2 and 3, while on the copy, you will enable sound tracks for drop zones 4.5 and 6 (this by clicking on the small loud speaker inside the drop zone thumbnail)

Cancel a montage thème

How erasing a montage theme series

Each montage theme series is located into a directory which name is the one of the series.
For example, series 20cents 3D themes is located into C:UsersPublicDocumentsPinnacleContentIMG-Templates20cents 3D Themes (assuming you have installed Avid studio on C:)

To erase this series, simply cancel this directory. Concerning series published on this website, it will be possible to reload them later. For series provided by Pinnacle/Avid, it would be better to backup them before...

How erasing a montage theme

A montage theme series is stored in a directory which name is the series one
For example, series2Ocents 3D themes is located into C:UsersPublicDocumentsPinnacleContentIMG-Templates20cents 3D Themes

A theme is composed of 3 files which using the theme's name :
- "name".png which is an image file containing the thumbnail
- "name".ixl is the source code used by Pinnacle Studio
- "name".Montage.axt is the source code used by Avid Studio

To erase a theme, you must erase these 3 files.

bijoux fantaisie

2 DVDs for training
Perfect your shooting technique

Thierry Philippon, who manages has created two training DVDs (the only existing in Europe) offering to video amateur examples and practical techniques for their families and travel movies. Entitled "The best technics of professionals for your stories and movies travel", DVDs are available in Beginner & Intermediate or Advanced level.
These DVDs are made for video enthusiasts who have some basic video skills and willing to progress but also to those who use a camera or iPhone, and want to discover the video capabilities of their device.
Thanks to the contribution of the moving image, the container and contents are in line here. The same situation is sometimes approached with the "bad" example in addition to "good" example. The location of the cameras or the cameraman, making of is also presented when needed.

A free module is available to give you a better idea of the content of these DVDs.
Web site of the month !

Original motion backgrounds for your DVD menus and montage theme animation propose you many free high quality screensaver. Even if these files were made to be used as PCs screen saver, their installation kit content .wmv video files that you will be able to import into Studio, either for your DVD menus, or, after some adaptations, in my montage themes ...

Go ahead, you will enjoy, and it's very nice !.

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