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License Terms and conditions : All the montage themes proposed on this web site may be download and use for FREE for private usage only. For any commercial or profit activities please contact us. In addition, proposing theses creations for download from any other site or through any other means is strictly forbideen.

bijoux fantaisie

191 "Cinéma"



theme  - 191 Cinéma
a bit more sophisticated variant of the theme 190 for creating your trailers. A first film moves from left to right while another scroll from top to bottom. In the background, scenes scroll partially transparent to reveal (if you want) an animated background.
To function properly, this top more ...

190 "Intro"



theme  - 190 Intro
Here is a theme intended to create a trailer for your next blockbuster !
Film moves from left to right while various scenes appear and disappear at different locations on the screen.
This theme offers also 2 Titles areas.
To function properly, this topic requires the loading of pac more ...

154 "Télésiège"



theme  - 154 Télésiège
With the opening of the Winter Olympics, and the winter holidays coming, here is an other very original montage theme original.
It displays the various drop zones of the seats of a chairlift.
You can notice on this occasion that montage themes may use video backgrounds !. I have used a s more ...

149 "Carte"



theme  - 149 Carte
Here is a quite original theme.
Hundreds of windows fall to the infinite but some of them assemble a world map. Then the theme zooms in an area containing the ending sequence. The location of the ending sequence can be adjusted by the X and Y cursors to be set whereever you want on the wor more ...

148 "Explosion"



theme  - 148 Explosion
Another lower third montage theme. The texte comes in 2 part from both sides of the screen. After stabilizing a few seconds, the track explodes in hundreds of pieces scattered out of the screen. more ...

145 "Comete"



theme  - 145 Comete
Another lower third montage theme. The title falls in a shower of particles. On exit, the title fades from left to right, the bottom slightly before the text.
Severalbackgrounds are available. Text and its Shadow colors can be configured. more ...

144 "Tetris"



theme  - 144 Tetris
The Nth version of famous Tetris game, adapted for Pinnacle Studio !
No possibility to play, it's just for fun. The blocks are falling to form the ending sequence. When the ending sequence is completed, the game fadesand the sequence starts. more ...

129 "Metro"



theme  - 129 Metro
I tried to make a theme different from others. It evokes a Paris subway station with the different sequences placed in billboards.
If sequences are videos, they will freeze when not on screen, thus avoiding cacophony of audio tracks. more ...

123 "Pellicule"



theme  - 123 Pellicule
This theme recalls film images that scroll across the screen. You can choose to put or not the film frame around the sequences. more ...

8 "Pêle-Mêle"



theme  - 8 Pêle-Mêle
One of my first themes ... In a slide show, this theme evokes a pell-mell with 6 photos. Frame and background are selectable as well as the overall direction of the views.
Note that if you put movies in the drop zone, they will be frozen unless when appearing. This avoids also cacophony of more ...

7 "Formes"



theme  - 7 Formes
4 shapes appear from left to right ...
more ...

6 "Bulles"



theme  - 6 Bulles
This theme allows you to show 3 forms each containing a sequence. The forms appear one after the other, and then grow before disappearring.
Shape, Position and Size of sequences are customizable. more ...

5 "Carré"



theme  - 5 Carré
For poker lovers, here's a final four. Convenient to introduce family films if like me you have a large family ...
Aces appear one after the other.
more ...

4 "Magie"



theme  - 4 Magie
Here is a theme to introduce a kind of magic. By tapping the stick on the hat, content is waking up, and an image get out the hat turning on itself. When stabilized, the them zoom in the ending sequence to start your kind of magic !
more ...

3 "Photo"



theme  - 3 Photo
This theme is intended to introduce a slideshow. The scene is seen behind a camera. After 6 seconds, a flash appears and picture freezes on the screen of the camera while the scene continues to live in the background. Finally, the view is zoomed on the screen of the camera. You can then start y more ...

2 "Caméscope Sortie"



theme  - 2 Caméscope Sortie
This theme can ends a sequence begun by the theme No. 001. The view is reduced, showing that it was positionned on the screen of your camcorder. It is then also visible in the background.
more ...

1 "Caméscope Entrée"



theme  - 1 Caméscope Entrée
Here is an original introduction to your video. It shows a scene on the screen of your camcorder, with the real scene in the background.
Gradually, the view zooms in on the camcorder screen which will get full screen.
Note: By downloading this theme, an additional section will be create more ...

Any comment about this page ?

Written by
1 messages

MalfunctionSaturday 8 October 2011 18:36:27

Don´t work for pinnacle backgrounds, just the drop zones

Written by
116 messages

AnswerSunday 9 October 2011 06:04:32

In fact it works ...
You must separatly download and install the backgrounds (because they are used in more or less all my series, and it avoid to duplicate them) !
Static backgrounds can be found at the end of the "Download" page, but motion backgrounds have been removed at the request of their owner. Nevertheless, you can built them following my tutorial on this subject.

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Web site of the month !

Original motion backgrounds for your DVD menus and montage theme animation propose you many free high quality screensaver. Even if these files were made to be used as PCs screen saver, their installation kit content .wmv video files that you will be able to import into Studio, either for your DVD menus, or, after some adaptations, in my montage themes ...

Go ahead, you will enjoy, and it's very nice !.

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