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License Terms and conditions : All the montage themes proposed on this web site may be download and use for FREE for private usage only. For any commercial or profit activities please contact us. In addition, proposing theses creations for download from any other site or through any other means is strictly forbideen.

bijoux fantaisie

313 "Rosace"



theme  - 313 Rosace
I was trying to built my video tunnel, and I got this theme !
It was clearly not what i wanted to do, but the result appeals me. Try to drop a video into drop zone 1 and look at this beautiful kaleidoscopic effect !
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312 "Cylinder"



theme  - 312 Cylinder
This theme is based on an external view of video tube used for montage theme #306 !
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311 "Wall"



theme  - 311 Wall
A static vision of our 8 screens video wall. This theme is stretchable !
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310 "Wall Ending"



theme  - 310 Wall Ending
And now the ending theme featuring our 8 screens video wall !
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309 "Wall Segue"



theme  - 309 Wall Segue
a transition between 2 screens of video wall #308
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308 "Wall Opening"



theme  - 308 Wall Opening
A variant of montage theme #307 with only 8 screens (and their reflects) to compose the video wall. This is an opening theme !
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307 "Wall Large"



theme  - 307 Wall Large
Here is a popular video wall design using 28 screens located along a circle line with their images reflecting on ground.
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306 "Tube"



theme  - 306 Tube
Here, I have tried to design a tube based on flat screens.
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305 "Tunnel Ending"



theme  - 305 Tunnel Ending
Camera dives into the video tunnel, but this time, it crosses many drop zones
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304 "Tunnel Segue 1"



theme  - 304 Tunnel Segue 1
A transition based on montage theme #303 !
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303 "Tunnel Zig-Zag"



theme  - 303 Tunnel Zig-Zag
Camera dives into the video tunnel and must avoid collision with pictures coming from opposite way. At the end of the day, collision occurs with the opening sequence of your montage !
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302 "Tunnel Opening"



theme  - 302 Tunnel Opening
I wanted to built such video tunnel for a very long time. Now, it's done, thanks to my montage theme editor (still under development)
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301 "Info Segue 2"



theme  - 301 Info Segue 2
Based on videowall #299, here is an other transition. It will allows to add a text bellow the scene, and also your own logo assuling you had customised hte -Assets/YourLogo.png file.
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300 "Info Segue 1"



theme  - 300 Info Segue 1
Based on videowall #299, here is a classique transition. It will allows to add a text bellow the scene, and also your own logo assuling you had customised hte -AssetsYourLogo.png file.
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299 "Animated Wall"



theme  - 299 Animated Wall
To start this new series, here is a video wall. Just a detail, on each screen ,scenes randomly change.
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Any comment about this page ?

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1 messages

Do You Have Or How Do I Create This ThemeThursday 12 December 2013 18:22:54

I need a theme like 304 but I need everything to be static with the center box at about 35% size.

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Original motion backgrounds for your DVD menus and montage theme animation propose you many free high quality screensaver. Even if these files were made to be used as PCs screen saver, their installation kit content .wmv video files that you will be able to import into Studio, either for your DVD menus, or, after some adaptations, in my montage themes ...

Go ahead, you will enjoy, and it's very nice !.

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