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Avid Studio demonstration made for you by E.N.C  !

published on April 4, 2011

bijoux fantaisie


Unless living on a deserted island, you cannot ignore the recent release of Avid Studio, the latest Avid software which complements the Pinnacle Studio product family with a really new version.

I remained speechless about Studio 15, because of its too close similarity with Studio 14, but there will be a lot of things to say about Avid Studio.

Like everyone else, you wonder whether or not you need to spend money in this new software... Rather than broadcast one more time the official propaganda of Avid/Pinnacle, it seemed more useful to share our first impressions.

Today, E-N-C makes us a small demo of what it is possible to do with this new software.
Avid Studio

Start looking at the results ...

Once is not custom, let's start by watching this short montage of 48 seconds, we will then look at how E-N-C did it !

It is useful to specify at this stage that our friend E-N-C didn't used any montage theme to produce this clip , he simply uses the multitrack capabilities of Avid Studio, which, as we shall see, is quite rich in video effects...

Bluring a face

To preserve his privacy and his family, E.N.C wished to hide the face of his daughter. Nothing easier with Avid Studio which comes with a really impressive effects library.

After filing the photo on the timeline, simply double click on it to open the Media Editor. Then, select the "Effects" tab, and then choose "blur" effect. There, it remains to adjust the various parameters to define the area of the image to blur, as well as set the other parameters of the effect.

In a few words, if you have the habit of Studio, you will not feel lost.

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Motion Titles

Introduced into Studio 14, motion titles are of course always present. It seems that Avid has taken into account our many complaints about the "unperfect" stability of this function to present here a better quality product. Many titles are delivered with the library, you can then modify them to fit your own needs in a very ergonomic way.

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Key Frame management

Key frames allow to set in motion a window containing either a picture, movie or title, like the ball of E.N.C's dog. These functions were already in previous Studio versions, and are still there in Avid Studio.

For each key frame that you define, you will adjust many parameters (position, size, etc ...) which will put the window in motion.

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Multi-track capabilities

Here is the great novelty. Avid Studio can handle an unlimited number (seems it ?) of video tracks. E-N-C uses  2 to show us the playground of his dog, and a third one to display the viewfinder of his virtual camera...

These new tracks can appear in full-screen or in Picture In Picture mode as here, with the possibility to add  a border and a shadow if you decide it !

Of course, all these parameters like size and position of these additional tracks are adjustable by key frame, allowing to animate each window as you want !
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Adding video effects

Avid Studio is not given for free, but it comes with a quantity of various effects which may help you to spend a lot of time . In addition, with multi track capabilities, you can combine video effects to built something truly unique.

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But all this has a price to pay ...

To be honest, a short montage like this one requires a lot of time to be done, but as we have seen very quickly, Avid Studio looks powerfull enough to do everything you'll need.

Here is a screen shot of E-N-C's timeline for this montage !

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E-N-C and I hope that these few lines will help you to get better idea of what Avid Studio is before issuing an order.

Post Scriptum: Once is not custom, I did'nt speak about montage theme. They are of course still present in Avid Studio, but as will discuss about soon... The adaptation of my montage themes for Avid Studio is underway. Correction to be made on programs are now identified, it remains just to upgrade the 350 themes of this site !

bijoux fantaisie

Any comment about this page ?

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3 messages

Montage Themes In Avid StudioFriday 3 February 2012 23:13:23

I have been using your montages in AS now for a while.I only have about 20 or so of the latest ones as I found you this last fall.A few did not retain thier backgrounds but they still worked and I was able to insert my own video.What difference will it make when you optimise them for AS.Should I re-load the ones I have?By the way I really like using the montages.I hope to be starting up an event video service and would like to know what it would take to use your montages with them?Right now there is almost no market here in Anchorage so I don't see being able to charge anything in the way of a price like you would in Seattle or L.A. I expect to charge between $500-1200 USD for weddings until people learn that video is worth paying for.On the other hand I appear to be getting started on the ground floor.While there is world class comercial production there is almost nothing at the event level here in Alaska.660,000 total population in a state almost twice the size of Texas.

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Montage In AvidSaturday 4 February 2012 08:49:52

There are many small differences in the programing language beetween Avid and Pinnacle Studio. As I am primarilly developing my themes in Pinnacle, some themes aren't available in Avid environment, or may have a behavior slightly different from the on presented in the preview video of this site.
If you join this site since last fall, there is no need to reload anything, series are built to be run on either Pinnacle or Avid (unless mentionned by the compatibility logos located near the download buttons).
As soon as your business will raise, don't forget to donate some $

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