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License Terms and conditions : All the montage themes proposed on this web site may be download and use for FREE for private usage only. For any commercial or profit activities please contact us. In addition, proposing theses creations for download from any other site or through any other means is strictly forbideen.

bijoux fantaisie

PC 54 "Promenade Visite"



theme PC - 54 Promenade Visite And now, the last lower third to feed this PapyChat Banniere series
It will be useful to illustrate your hikings . more ...

PC 53 "Excursion"



theme PC - 53 Excursion An other lower third for this PapyChat Banniere series
more ...

PC 52 "Visite"



theme PC - 52 Visite And now, an other lower third to feed this PapyChat Banniere series
A title zone is designed to give you the opportunity to provide an additional comment in your montage. more ...

PC 51 "Champignons"



theme PC - 51 Champignons Looking for mushrooms seems to be part of PapyChat hobbies !
A title zone is designed to give you the opportunity to provide an additional comment in your montage. more ...

PC 50 "Velo"



theme PC - 50 Velo This new lower third in PapyChat Banniere series is designed for Bicycle activities
A title zone is designed to give you the opportunity to provide an additional comment in your montage. more ...

PC 49 "Randonnees A"



theme PC - 49 Randonnees A This lower thirds is a variant of PapyChat's #048 with other illustrations.
A title zone is designed to give you the opportunity to provide an additional comment in your montage. more ...

PC 48 "Randonnees"



theme PC - 48 Randonnees And now, an other lower third to feed this PapyChat Banniere series
A title zone is designed to give you the opportunity to provide an additional comment in your montage, and various options allows to customise this theme to different situations.
more ...

PC 47 "Photo"



theme PC - 47 Photo And now, an other lower third in this PapyChat Banniere series featuring rotating cameras
A title zone is designed to give you the opportunity to provide an additional comment in your montage. more ...

PC 46 "Peel Vert"



theme PC - 46 Peel Vert And now, an other lower third to feed this PapyChat Banniere series
A title zone is designed to give you the opportunity to provide an additional comment in your montage.
This lower third isn't available in the Avid Studio version. more ...

PC 45 "Banniere Bleu"



theme PC - 45 Banniere Bleu Still an other lower third in this PapyChat Banniere series
A title zone allows to compose a title in your montage. more ...

PC 44 "Marcheur"



theme PC - 44 Marcheur And now, an other lower third to feed this PapyChat Banniere series
A title zone is designed to compose your title. more ...

PC 43 "2 Bandes Rouge"



theme PC - 43 2 Bandes Rouge As I tell for each new series, there is no good montage theme series without any lower thirds. Here is a series created by PapyChat exclisively made of lower thirds
2 text zones are there to host texts and comments you may want to make ... more ...

Any comment about this page ?

Written by
1 messages

Montage ThemesTuesday 17 September 2013 02:45:31

Thanks for all montage themes. Its all beautifull

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Original motion backgrounds for your DVD menus and montage theme animation propose you many free high quality screensaver. Even if these files were made to be used as PCs screen saver, their installation kit content .wmv video files that you will be able to import into Studio, either for your DVD menus, or, after some adaptations, in my montage themes ...

Go ahead, you will enjoy, and it's very nice !.

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