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License Terms and conditions : All the montage themes proposed on this web site may be download and use for FREE for private usage only. For any commercial or profit activities please contact us. In addition, proposing theses creations for download from any other site or through any other means is strictly forbideen.

bijoux fantaisie

298 "Kaleidoscope"



theme  - 298 Kaleidoscope
a transition using various shapes for your drop zones..
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297 "Triangles"



theme  - 297 Triangles
Here is an adaptation of #296 as a transition ...
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296 "Gallerie des glaces"



theme  - 296 Gallerie des glaces
to vary the effects, here is now triangles extracted from the different drop zones rotating in various areas. You can also choose to add a background or not. If so, this theme can be used as a superposition ...
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295 "Diamond"



theme  - 295 Diamond
The hexagone are rotating only around their own center
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294 "Diamond ending"



theme  - 294 Diamond ending
The ending sequence of the 'diamond' motif, with 2 scrolling texts
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293 "Solitaire"



theme  - 293 Solitaire
this adaptation of #290 is designed to built a kaleidoscope from only one drop zone, using the different part of the drop zone to compose the effect...
Impressive effect when used in superposition of your video (adding a transparency effect on the montage theme)
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292 "Diamond lower third"



theme  - 292 Diamond lower third
The kaleidoscope hexagonal motif decorate this lower third ...
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291 "Diamond segue"



theme  - 291 Diamond segue
This theme is a variation of the #290 designed for transitionbr> more ...

290 "Rolling Diamond"



theme  - 290 Rolling Diamond
This is the true kaleidoscope effect I had in mind when Jean-Claude contacted me looking for this kind of effect...
Impressive effect when used in superposition of your video (adding a transparency effect on the montage theme)
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289 "Rising sun"



theme  - 289 Rising sun
A variant of #288. Here, center of rotation is located at bottom of the screen
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288 "Thunderbird"



theme  - 288 Thunderbird
Here is a real kaleidoscopic effect... a part of your drop zone is duplicated 12 times which rotate around screen center
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287 "Iris"



theme  - 287 Iris
the camera iris is used for this ending theme which admits 5 other sequences for ending credits...
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286 "Iris"



theme  - 286 Iris
This lower third is using the iris of a camera to display 3 sequences in addition to the iris elements...
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285 "Rolling Iris"



theme  - 285 Rolling Iris
Here, the iris doesn't totally close and rotate around opening and endig sequences...
more ...

284 "Iris"



theme  - 284 Iris
This transition is using the iris of a camera to operate ...
more ...

Any comment about this page ?

Written by
116 messages

Problem In Kaleidoscope Lower ThirdsSunday 6 November 2011 08:20:43

If you have downloaded this series (only for Pinnacle version) before this message, you will crash Studio when trying using #286 or #292.

The problem is now fixed in the current version.

Sorry for the trouble

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Original motion backgrounds for your DVD menus and montage theme animation propose you many free high quality screensaver. Even if these files were made to be used as PCs screen saver, their installation kit content .wmv video files that you will be able to import into Studio, either for your DVD menus, or, after some adaptations, in my montage themes ...

Go ahead, you will enjoy, and it's very nice !.

mentions légales Copyright © 2010-2012. All rights reserved.