There are 16 pieces in my puzzle. So, I took the opportunity to build a triple track montage. It can, for example, be used to animate a slide show! This theme is stretchable (you may stretch the three themes of the same duration to keep movements synchronized!) to adjust its length as needed. Unlike the other themes of this series, I introduced a pause between each movement to let appreciate the various videos.
Informations :
duration:32 secondes (stretchable)
This triple theme has 6 drop zones on track 1, 6 others on the overlay track, and finally the last 4 on the title track.
Photo allows to display a background image behind the puzzle (track 1)
Color adjusts background color (track 1)
Border selects border color of the different pieces of puzzle. (It is advised to put the same color on all 3 parts of themes.